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Our Story

An inspired community builder from Montreal met an innovative man from Calgary, both with a similar vision for exploration, living creatively, and connecting with nature...


Meet Ariane Telishewsky

Meet Ariane, a visionary leader who brings together imagery, advocacy, and consciousness in a truly unique way. As a Visionary Specialist, she guides people on deep subconscious journeys, helping them tap into transformative experiences, mindsets and realities. Through her work as a Global Imagery Facilitator, Ariane uses visualization to connect people across cultures, lands and borders. 

Ariane is deeply passionate about honoring the environment. She advocates for Natural Law and is dedicated to preserving our planet’s precious lands. In her role as a Private Movement Ambassador, she supports individuals in turning their visions of a beautiful world into reality. Alongside her partner Stephan, Ariane cofounded Unified Fields, where they blend science, spirituality, and consciousness in their offerings.

Her grand vision - People are devoted to caring for the Earth in micro-communities. Eco-systems are revived, as are family lines and the sacredness of life. We are devoted to beautifying the Earth and honoring the Great Natural Law in every action and interaction.

Meet Stephan Guénette

Stephan is a passionate professional who blends heritage, wellness, and consciousness in everything he does. As a Custom Heraldry Designer, he creates personalized family crests and coats of arms that celebrate the unique stories and values of each lineage.

With his expertise in Myofascia & Movement Therapy, Stephan helps clients achieve their best physical health through customized movement programs and hands-on therapy. He is known and respected for his innovative approach to Fascia, bringing our understanding of what is possible to another level. Stephan combines his 15 years of practice into the private movement as a Private Movement Ambassador.

Co-founding Unified Fields with Ariane, Stephan loves to research and share the dynamic exploration of science, spirituality, and consciousness. His diverse skills and commitment to positive growth inspire holistic health and well-being in communities around the world.


Our beloved home is in beautiful British Columbia
where we swim in oceans, hike mountains, and explore ancient rainforests.

We respectfully acknowledge the ancestors who came before us, those who loved and cared for the land.

We take great honour in speaking for the natural world and loving her the way she loves us.

This incredible natural environment is a great source of inspiration and supports our wellbeing and work in prominent ways.

In the name of peaceful relations and future generations, may we all remember to include the land in our great visions for harmony across the world.

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